Eu prefiro ser a Rita Lee

Prefiro ser a Rita Lee Edson Brasil de Castro Não quero perder nada Eu já cometi tantos enganos Lágrimas no papel, Recordações em versos Cordas e um violão Estou enlouquecendo Ele quer que eu se...
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The best day of my life

The best day of my lifeLyrics by Edson Castro and Bonnie Nadine Good morning sunshineLike a morning wine the smell of the oceanCreates a potionthat’s only mine. this is gonna to be best day of m...
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Lost in an ocean of blue

Lost in an Ocean of BlueLyrics by Edson Castro e David Koehler I have no notionHow love can endAbout the stars in motionOr how a heart can mend The sky so blueCan’t make me forgetThat I’ve lost yo...
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Poison And Healing

Poison and Healing Written by: Edson Castro Edited by: Kari DeNeal (Vs. 1) You’d better know That after some time What was pain turns to pining (Pre-chorus) You call me and say that you have affecti...
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